CHM Weatherguard assisted with a DART extension project at DFW International Airport. Our Vice President and COO, Matt Hager, evaluated the site, working with Balfour Beatty, the general contractor, and Cogan, the architect of record for the overall rail station project. The team carefully reviewed all necessary steps for the completion of the project, weighing different product options for cost-effectiveness and ease of construction.
After assessing the site, Hager advised that W.R. Meadows’ PRECON system was the best option for waterproofing. Our team, in collaboration with Balfour Beatty, installed BEM, a one-part product from W.R. Meadows, saving time and money during the DART railway expansion project.
“The Dallas Area Rapid Transit system (DART) operates America’s longest light rail line (LRT). The latest extension of this 90-mile network’s Orange line, however, may be the biggest in terms of passenger service, bringing riders to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport – and access to global travel via 27 airlines including 15 flying foreign flags.”
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